
Hire & retain top talent in an ultra-competitive market

Hire talent

Hiring and retaining top talent is the biggest challenge of the decade. While startups and fast-growing companies are facing issues recruiting, increasingly more enterprises are struggling with retention. Company culture is now more important than ever, and according to LinkedIn’s recent report, 40% of global candidates make culture a priority before picking a job.

In 2022, it’s nearly impossible to compete with leading tech companies and corporations with solid employer brands. So the question is: Do I stand a chance at attracting and retaining the best people in today’s ultra-competitive market? 

Attract & retain the best people in today’s ultra-competitive market

There are over 10 million unfilled jobs in the United States, according to recent data posted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Leaving aside the effects of the pandemic, we’re currently dealing with a skill mismatch. In simple terms, the jobs available don’t match the skills of the people. By 2025, nearly 50% of workers will have to be reskilled, according to the World Economic Forum.

But finding top talent shouldn’t be your only priority. It’s equally important to keep the people already working for you. And the tricky part is that great people are hunted; whether they’re active or passive candidates. The Great Resignation has given employees a huge confidence boost because it brought to light several painful truths. Company culture does matter and so does employer branding. 

How companies recruit, retain, and re-skill their people will play a critical role in shaping an organizational culture that provides value. In terms of tactics and strategies you can use to restructure your employer brand, have you thought about:

  • Solving the shortage from the inside out by re-skilling/up-skilling current employees?
  • Paying more attention to genuinely inclusive hiring practices to widen the talent pool?
  • Reconfiguring the candidate interview experience?
  • Reframing your EVP? 
  • Refreshing your mission, vision, values? 

It takes time, resources, and patience to become an employer of choice. So this is where a dedicated employer branding workshop might come in handy. 

An end-to-end employer branding approach to match your needs

Most employer branding initiatives are fragmented. They focus on either the company’s culture, the hiring process, the brand, or the promotional aspect. Of course, there are benefits to the mentioned activities. But then again, the benefits are short-term without an overview of the bigger picture. For any employer brand to have an impact, it needs to have a unified end-to-end approach. 

Sadly, HR departments don’t have the expertise nor the time to put together such an elaborate strategy. To help streamline the process of hiring and retaining the best people, an end-to-end employer branding workshop can help company stakeholders have a clearer view of what needs to be done to win the war for talent. 

That’s why we have assembled a team of leading experts, consisting of employer branding expert Georgiana Ghiciuc, communications expert and bestselling author of “Unignorable” Oliver Aust, and “School of Hiring” thought leader Konstanty Sliwowski. Together, we provide an interactive approach to employer branding under the shape of a 1-month process

It’s time to become an employer of choice! 

Why should people come to work for you? The answer to that question is the backbone of your employee value proposition (EVP). In 2022, the reasons given must go beyond financial benefits. A recent survey done by Glassdoor mentions that 37% of employees look at company culture before applying to a job. 25% also care about the skills of senior leadership, the company’s values, and mission. A strong organizational culture increases retention rates by 30 to 50%, and whether we like it or not, it’s time for C-suite executives to unite with HR departments to win the war for talent. 

Someone once said that “he who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside awakens.” – that goes for employer branding, too. Rather than look outside at what others are doing and dream to become them, look inside your company to wake up. Look at the people & talk to them, feel the vibe, assess the good & the not so good, and above all, act human. 

Our approach is a 3-phase process, and it’s different from all the other programs out there:

Phase 1

The workshop, where we work together to generate a complete assessment of all aspects of your employer brand. 

Phase 2

The strategy that comes following after the workshop, where we develop a targeted strategy, customized at the needs of your people and company. 

Phase 3 (optional)

The implementation, where we provide additional support and guidance for you and your team. 

At the end of the month, you will know how to attract the best and the brightest – regardless of market conditions. You will gain a competitive advantage, understand how to better define your company culture, translate it into a powerful employer brand and refine your hiring process so that it reflects your uniqueness and your values. 

Once executed, you should have a brand-aligned recruitment process, in which only “A players” that fit your company vision are attracted. You are in the best position to become an employer of choice, with clearly-defined roles, messages, interviewing and onboarding processes. For details, don’t hesitate to contact me!


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